Life-Changing Treatment for Post-Cancer Patients

    • NSW Rehab Clinic on Australian News for Relieving Effects of Cancer Therapy with MLS® Laser


    • Kate Perkins, Principal Cancer Rehab and Lymphoedema Therapist at Cancer Rehabilitation & Lymphatic Solutions in Erina, NSW, is using a new technology to change the lives of many post-cancer patients in ways that no other treatment can. The revolutionary treatment is called MLS® laser therapy. It uses low-level laser light to stimulate the body’s natural processes to help patients recover from many of the side effects caused by cancer treatments. The non-invasive and painless technology has become crucial to many of her patients’ post-operative recovery.

      In a recent interview with local NBN TV News, Kate explained how the laser accelerates post-operative healing: “It softens scar tissue, softens muscle tissue and increases the function of the lymphatic system. This is because the laser vasodilates the lymphatics and blood vessels, resulting in reduced swelling.”

      For patient Tania B, the treatment is vital. Diagnosed with a rare form of neck cancer, she had restricted movement and difficulty swallowing. Tania described how MLS® laser therapy has improved her quality of life: “I’ve been able to dramatically improve my condition to the point where I’ve been in tears here sometimes out of pure relief.”

      It is a similar story for Lilania K, who is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. MLS® laser therapy has helped her to resume everyday life in an easier and more enjoyable way. “In the last three months, I really feel a lot more myself than I had for quite a while, and probably since the very first cancer,” Lilania relates.

      Both patients say that the recovery process can sometimes be just as bad as the symptoms. Lilania explains, “Patients can get terrible scar tissue to the point where there are women who can’t raise their arms above their heads.”

      Over the last year, demands for the service has seen Kate’s practice expand rapidly including the purchase of two more MLS® lasers.

      The laser technology is helping to ease the pain with more than 300 patients using the service each month at Kate’s clinic. “You can see a patient one week post-surgery, start that treatment, start the healing process and accelerate that rate of recovery,” Kate says.

      Although MLS® laser therapy is a state-of-the-art treatment, it is affordable and worthwhile for many. Tania states, “You’re paying as much as a manicure for one laser treatment session.”

      If you would like to revolutionise your treatments and practice like Kate, download our free eBook, ‘Revolutionise Your Practice with MLS® Laser Therapy’.

      Revolutionise Your Practice with MLS® Laser Therapy eBook.

      Data from Kate’s MLS® laser treatments are being used to help researchers in Belgium investigate the efficacy of the device for a range of post-cancer applications. This adds to the hundreds of clinical research papers that already supports the use of the treatment for post-cancer treatment.

      For more information about how MLS® laser therapy can be used for post-cancer recovery, click here or book a personalised demo of our lasers.

      Book a demo