How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis Fast

    • Heel Pain

      Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain, affecting hundreds of thousands of Australians each year. It’s impact on daily life is high, resulting in reduced mobility and limited productivity. Most sufferers are burdened with the condition for months before it recovers, if at all. However, plantar fasciitis can be healed in as little as 2.5 weeks!

      Cesar Puertolas from Belrose Frenchs Forest Podiatry, NSW, has been a podiatrist for over forty years and is highly respected in his field. He shares his experience on how he treats plantar fasciitis fast.


    • Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain

    • Cesar Puertolas, podiatrist from Belrose Frenchs Forest Podiatry, NSW

    • How is Plantar Fasciitis Commonly Treated?

      Cesar relates the general procedure that podiatrists undertake to diagnose and treat plantar fasciitis. First, the practitioner investigates the reason why the patient is suffering plantar fasciitis. It can be a sign of a mechanical issue. “I investigate muscle strains, nerves and the foot structure to determine what is impacting on the fascia,” Cesar explains.

      Then, podiatrists normally prescribe conventional treatments such as stretching, massaging the fascia, wearing orthotics or resting. Other common management methods include taking pain relief medicine, wearing night splints or using an ice pack. Some therapists also roll the fascia or use shockwave therapy, however both treatments methods are very painful. Unfortunately, these traditional treatments are not efficient and often do not bring success.

      Cesar says, “Normally plantar fasciitis takes about six months to recover. I’ve had some patients that have had the condition for two years with no positive results. Some cases subside until there is no pain left, but if this doesn’t occur, patients receive cortisone injections for pain management.”

    • Laser Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

    • The podiatrist also combines laser therapy with other common treatment modalities for maximum efficacy: “If the issue is mechanical, I recommend the patient to wear orthotics once their pain subsides. Afterwards, they do not need to return to my clinic. I prescribe some patients an exercise regimen to strengthen their foot. MLS® laser therapy also accelerates the benefits of exercise as it relaxes the muscle fibres. This helps the patient to regain their strength faster. So it adds to the recovery.”

    • Outstanding Patient Satisfaction

      “For someone suffering for months, it is a huge relief.” Cesar Puertolas

      Cesar has significantly improved his patients’ lives. Instead of the patient suffering from pain and decreased mobility without an effective solution, they can return to full function in a matter of weeks. “Patients can suffer for months and months and go to multiple clinicians to get treated with no results. With laser therapy, when the pain subsides, the inflammation is gone. For someone who is suffering for months, it is a huge relief.”

      Case report

      Two ward nurses came to Caesar, and both suffered from plantar fasciitis. Their condition resulted from being on their feet for 10-12 hours per day for their job. Their first toe had limited movement because of the tension in their foot muscles. This resulted in excruciating heel pain and impacted on every aspect of their life. Cesar successfully treated both nurses with MLS® laser therapy.

      After four sessions, or two weeks of laser therapy, the inflammation of the fascia reduced, resulting in increased mobility.

      One of the nurses received eight sessions of laser therapy, over one month. She recovered after suffering from plantar fasciitis for six months. For the other nurse who had the condition for two years, Cesar took 14 sessions, or two months, for her foot to recover.

      “The results are quick and sudden with no medication or additional treatment,” Cesar relates. The patient response was excellent: “They left my clinic extremely happy and relieved that they can return to their jobs without pain.”


    • Enhance Your Podiatry Practice

      Cesar uses MLS® laser therapy to accelerate the treatment of a variety of conditions that he sees in his practice. These include pain related to calves, quadriceps, gluteus, sparse muscle tension, nerve inflammation, sciatic nerve issues and Sever’s disease. “I receive 99% positive clinical results with MLS® laser therapy,” Cesar states.

    • Dr Puertolas using his MLS® laser to treat a podiatric patient

    • Grow Your Business by 70% With Laser

      The introduction of laser therapy into his practice has accelerated his business growth: “MLS® has resulted in a 70% increase in patients due to word-of-mouth referrals. This is because my patients are very happy and love that they are no longer suffering from their condition. They can’t believe that they have been healed, and they want their friends to benefit too.”

      For a detailed guide on how to grow your business with MLS® laser, download our free eBook, ‘Business Growth Strategy’.

      Business Growth Strategy eBook cover page.

      Cesar strongly encourages other podiatrists to seriously consider introducing MLS® laser therapy into their practice. “Look at how other professionals are using MLS® and look at the research. It is a very simple decision – you don’t lose anything, there are no contraindications and no side effects. I have tried other lasers for pain management and healing with a low percentage of results. MLS® is the best treatment.”

      To learn more about how MLS® laser therapy can be used in your practice, book a demo of our devices and receive personalised recommendations.

    • To see how this revolutionary technology can help you, book a personalised demo of our lasers.

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