Beyond Needles: How Laser Acupuncture Promotes Holistic Healing and Pain Relief

    • In the world of alternative therapies, acupuncture has long been revered for its ability to alleviate pain and promote holistic healing. However, for those who are needle-phobic, traditional acupuncture may not be the most appealing option. Enter laser acupuncture, or laserpuncture. This innovative technique offers all the benefits of acupuncture without the use of needles, making it a game-changer for individuals seeking pain-free treatment.

    • What is Laserpuncture?

      Laser acupuncture is a non-invasive procedure that involves stimulating specific acupoints on the body using laser wavelengths. Unlike traditional acupuncture, which utilises needles, laser acupuncture uses light to achieve the same therapeutic effects. The laser light penetrates the skin and stimulates acupoints, resulting in the release of endorphins, improved blood circulation, and the activation of the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

    • The Benefits of Laserpuncture

      Laser acupuncture offers numerous benefits for those seeking pain relief and holistic healing. Some of the key advantages include:

      1. It is a painless treatment

      Laserpuncture is completely pain free. Most patients report feeling the benefits of acupuncture without the use of needles. Some report a shift in energy. This is a great way to attract patients who may have needle phobia.

      1. It is non-invasive

      Laserpuncture does not involve piercing with needles. The risk of infection is reduced because the skin has not been pierced. Practitioners can treat points that they might not be generally accessible due to sensitivity or age.

      1. It is quick

      With the laser treatment, clinicians simply shine the light on the desired point for a few seconds (depending on the strength and output of the laser) and move to the next point. It is fast and easy. The time of treatment with the super-pulsed laser is a few seconds compared with acupuncture where the needle must be left in for 20 – 30 minutes. Not only will patients appreciate the quick healing treatment, but practitioners can see more patients in less time.

      1. It induces both central and peripheral analgesia

      Laser acupuncture achieves superior results by not only stimulating the body at a cellular level, but also generating physiological effects in the brain. Laserpuncture achieves pain relief through a dual mechanism. Not only does it soothe the irritated nerves, but it also blocks pain by releasing high levels of painkillers, such as endorphins and enkephalin, in the brain and adrenal gland.


      Laserpuncture Vs. Traditional Acupuncture


    • Laser acupuncture and traditional acupuncture share the same goal of promoting holistic healing and pain relief, but they differ in their approach. While traditional acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific acupoints, laser acupuncture achieves the same effect using light wavelengths.

    • One advantage of laser acupuncture over traditional acupuncture is the absence of needles. This makes laser acupuncture more appealing for individuals who are afraid of needles or find the idea of acupuncture uncomfortable. Additionally, laser acupuncture eliminates the risk of pain, bleeding, and infection associated with needle insertion. The laser acupuncture tip can also be easily cleaned and is designed for reuse, so practitioners can save on not having to buy disposable needles for each patient.

      Another difference between laser acupuncture and traditional acupuncture is the level of stimulation. Traditional acupuncture relies on manual manipulation of the needles to generate stimulation, while laser acupuncture provides a consistent and controlled level of stimulation using laser wavelengths. This makes laser acupuncture a more precise and targeted treatment option.

      Conditions Treated with Laser Acupuncture

      Laser acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of conditions. Some of the common conditions include:

      1. Chronic Pain

      Laser acupuncture has been used successfully to alleviate chronic pain caused by conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and migraines. The gentle stimulation of the acupoints helps to reduce inflammation, relieve muscle tension, and promote pain relief.

      1. Musculoskeletal Disorders

      Musculoskeletal disorders, such as back pain, neck pain, and joint pain, can be effectively treated with laser acupuncture. The laser wavelengths stimulate the acupoints, improving blood circulation and promoting the healing of damaged tissues.

      1. Stress and Anxiety

      Laser acupuncture has a calming effect on the nervous system, making it an effective treatment for stress and anxiety. The stimulation of specific acupoints helps to regulate the release of stress hormones and promote a sense of relaxation and well-being.

      The Science Behind Laser Acupuncture

      The therapeutic effects of laserpuncture can be explained by several scientific mechanisms. When the laser is applied to acupoints, they stimulate the nerve endings, triggering a series of physiological responses in the body.

      One of the key mechanisms behind laser acupuncture is the release of endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers and mood enhancers. The stimulation of the acupoints during laser acupuncture promotes the release of endorphins, helping to alleviate pain and improve mood.

      Additionally, laserpuncture improves blood circulation in the treated area. The laser wavelengths stimulate the microcirculation, increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. This enhanced blood flow promotes healing and reduces inflammation.

      Another scientific mechanism behind laser acupuncture is the activation of the body’s natural healing mechanisms. The stimulation of the acupoints during laser acupuncture triggers a cascade of biochemical reactions in the body, promoting cellular repair, tissue regeneration, and overall wellness.

      Dr. Viliana evaluated the safety of laserpuncture treatment using MLS® laser in terms of adverse reactions and side effects1. The study also evaluated the clinical efficacy of the treatment and patient satisfaction. 67 adult patients who had acute or chronic musculoskeletal conditions, including neck pain, low back pain, knee pain, and shoulder arthrosis/arthritis were treated.

      Participants were treated 3 times per week, with a total of 6 sessions completed. The acupoints were selected based on the methods of traditional acupuncture.

      At the end of the study, 80.5% of patients reported they were “satisfied/very satisfied” with their MLS® laserpuncture treatment. No patient had general adverse or skin reactions. These findings suggest that laserpuncture has significant potential for treating musculoskeletal-related pain.

    • What is the Most Effect Laserpuncture Device?

      According to research, dual laser therapy is superior to traditional low-level laser therapy when it comes to laserpuncture. The dual laser, also known as the Multi-wave Locked System (MLS®), combines two lasers with different wavelengths. The 808nm continuous wavelength delivers prevailing anti-inflammatory benefits. The 905nm pulsed wavelength has predominantly analgesic effects. Both effects are crucial for achieving relief for acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions.

    • MLS® Mphi 75

      MLS® Mphi 75

    • In particular, the Mphi 75 laser by ASA Laser Italy uses two synchronised lasers with a peak power of 75W. This high peak power accelerates the effects of laserpuncture. The Mphi 75 also comes with software that offers specific protocols for a large range of treatments and pathologies, making it much easier for practitioners to diagnose and treat patients. They can follow these scientifically-backed preset protocols to effectively treat patients.

      How to Treat a Patient with Laser Acupuncture

      Once a practitioner has diagnosed the patient and chosen the correct acupoints, practitioners use the laserpuncture device for approximately 15 – 60 seconds per point. Most practitioners report having successful treatment results in 10 – 15 seconds, especially with the Mphi 75. Acupoints that require deeper needling, like the legs and torso, may need longer treatment times. Ears, hands, and feet require less treatment time.

      Any point of the body can be treated with the laser except near the eyes. Even if a patient has a wound or injury, laser acupuncture can still be applied to that area without any contraindications.

      Laserpuncture is Here to Stay

      The revolutionary benefits of laser acupuncture make it a popular treatment modality for many patients seeking holistic healing and pain relief. The ability to heal the body naturally without needles is one of the biggest advantages of laserpuncture to traditional acupuncture. Laserpuncture stimulates endorphin production and blood circulation, helping the body to heal naturally. There are many scientific research articles showcasing the efficacy of laserpuncture, with the MLS® Mphi 75 laser a particularly effective solution. Practitioners currently using acupuncture or who are looking for a painless treatment alternative are highly recommended to add laserpuncture to their suite of services. It is a safe, effective, and efficient treatment modality that the latest technological advancements have made possible!

      Related Research

      T. Viliani. Laserpuncture with MLS® (Multi-wave Locked System) system Mphi: safety and clinical efficacy in joint disease, preliminary data. Energy for Health [13]. 2014.

      T. Viliani. Safety and efficacy of Laserpuncture with MLS® laser – Mphi type – in spinal pain: additional clinical observations. Energy for Heath [15] 2016.